Prologue: Under an Egyptian Sun — Part I: The Field of Reeds

Homage to thee, O RA… Thou art adored.
Thou goest to thy setting in the Solar Boat with fair winds, and thy heart is glad…
Thou art beautiful at morn and at eve, O thou Living Lord, the Unchanging One, my Lord.
(A Hymn to Ra when he rises on the horizon and when he sets in the Land of Life)

It begins in Egypt.

nile at sunset

The first voyage was up the river Nile. We were a group of four friends in search of artistic and spiritual inspiration, and winter sun. It was the Arab Spring, a time of great hope but also unrest in Egypt. The resulting dearth of visitors was tough on the tourist industry but fortunate for us, allowing us access to the sites without queues or crowds; a rare opportunity to tune into the spirit of Ancient Egypt, where it all began. Continue reading